As Brands look to extend their Super Bowl advertising investment, we are seeing more and more teasers. Many of them are using principles to what makes for best communication practices. Below are a few we have found. Do you see any others?
Best Practices applied in Super Bowl Teaser Communication
Activate your Purpose, consistently. Hyundai has big shoes to fill with their 2018 Super Bowl spot after doing a beautiful job of bringing together a few of our military heroes with their families for Super Bowl in 2017. From the looks of their 2018 teaser, it seems like they’re up for the challenge. Definitely feels like a Purpose Activation to us.
Not only entertain, but sell your product or service. For a second year in a row, Mexican Avocado has created a Super Bowl related spot that not only is entertaining, but also sells the product. In 2017 they focused on the “healthy fat” benefit of avocados while being highly humorous with their “secret society.” In 2018 they continued with the same over the top humor in this teaser, but with a new idea that focused on the fruit’s versatility. (Yes, avocado is a fruit!) Too many brands advertise during the Super Bowl but miss the brand benefit. Mexican Avocados, you make us marketers proud.
Keep your heritage alive in fresh, relevant ways for your target. Do you remember the “Chocolate Camp” M&M’s TV spot from the 80s? Take a look at the spot below and then look at M&M’s Super Bowl teaser ad. Look familiar? M&M’s has done a great job of refreshing their “chocolate bath” heritage in a way that is relevant to the target. In addition, they continue to build their overall brand promise, colorful chocolate fun.
Maximize your investment beyond TV through holistic communication. Starting all the way back with the 1984 Apple Super Bowl commercial, brands have done a brilliant job at extending their Super Bowl media investment way beyond the :30 sec buy. We think back to brands like Doritos that leveraged user-generated content and consumer voting to gain incremental consumer engagement. What about Go Daddy’s outrageous, scandalous messaging that was shown months after the event? Brands amortize the large Super Bowl costs with extended media and social conversation.
This year, Skittles has a fresh new approach to get more “bang for their buck.” While only 1 person is claimed to see the final Super Bowl spot, plenty are seeing the 4 teasers through paid and unpaid media. Check out all their teasers at the link below.
If you decide to partner with another brand, choose a brand with similar strategic choices. Doritos and Mountain Dew are coming together for a joint Super Bowl ad and have created a teaser. These brands share many strategic elements that make them good advertising partners, such as: a Millennial target, an anti-establishment brand character, and new product innovation (Doritos Blaze & Mountain Dew Ice). Question will be, how will they handle their different consumer promises? Doritos will be promoting their hot and spicy flavored chip with Blaze. Mountain Dew will be promoting their lime taste with Ice. At least they will have 60 secs for their message during the game. Let’s see which brand wins.
Join us on Twitter and Facebook on February 4 as we break down the ads live during the Super Bowl.